Friday, 20 June 2008

Music: We all crave it...

Right into business today where I have chosen two fantastic bands yet again for your listening pleasure. However just a quick reminder that Carmen's album is out on the 30th of June so preorder it now, just like I have! Also Who is Chuy Vega? and Private Dancers have added new songs to their MySpace pages so check them out. Today we have two very different approaches to a similar genre...

The first band hail from Vancouver, Canada and are called Empire Alley. They are an indie four piece who have been friends for 20 years and formally formed Empire Alley in 2006. Since then they have been gaining great acclaim in their home town and now spreading thorughout Canada. Citing their influences as Bloc Party and Arctic Monkeys these four guys won't let you down. I'd say all their songs are great but the one that stands out is Orange Revolution. These guys have the sound of a band who have been working together for years, learnt from their influences and created something big. If I had to tip Canada's next top band these guys would surely be frontrunners.

BTB Favourite Song: Orange Revolution

Now we move to my favourite city in the world, good old London. London has always been a hive of creativity, ingenuity and entertainment. One such band that provides all three in spades is Total Movement. They have combined the genres of rock with electronica without any problems it seems. This exciting 4 piece have recently released their first EP so get it. The vocals of Paul Mansfold along with brother Alan Mansfold on Bass, James Field on Drums and Ollie Balman as guitarist and producer create a perfect harmoic balance that I feel has been recently missing from the radio. The originality of how these guys work should definently be noted and all music lovers better watch out for Total Movement. I see these guys breaking into the big leagues sooner rather than later. If you can check them out live. Apparently they're even better. I know I will be.

BTB Favourite Song: The Heat

So to the end of another post we have come. Remember comments, feedback etc. If you are reading this just drop me a hello at or Look forward to hearing from you.

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