Again we find ourselves in LA and San Diego. I may as well just move there the amount of times I talk of bands from that area. This band is known as Lonely Mattress Salesman, the name inspired from when Steve Loase, the bands front man, went mattress shopping and saw these salesmen all alone. He pays homage to them and what a way to do it. This 3 piece piano driven soft rock band are amazing and have that uniqueness about them that surround major bands like Muse and so should be playing sold out shows and at major festivals. Why haven't they been signed yet? You record labels need to have a listen to this band and sign them, make them big. Piano led bands are a rarity in modern music so to find something this special is truly great.
BTB Favourite Song: You are no better.
Next we go to Chicago and home of a band known as Stone Descendant who play good old fashion rock music with a bit of a twist. This 5 piece have so much talent that its almost unnatural. You can't help to compare them to the likes of Pearl Jam, Nirvana and any of the big rock bands from the 70's. They have the tunes that you just have to dance along to and sing. At a time when the old style rock isn't as big as it used to be we need this band to become big and bring that sound back with a resounding, headbanging, crash. I don't think you'll be disappointed with this lot, I'm certainly not.
BTB Favourite Song: Midnight
And for our final act, ladies and gentlemen, we have Mute Critic from Louisiana. I like this band a lot and so had to give them a mention. These guys play a bit of slow rock, a bit of fast rock and some rap, very fast rap. I'd say they sound a bit like Smashing Pumpkins and Placebo. They have an excellent variety which is needed by a band if it want's to survive in this day and age. Mute Critic will survive and they will mute every critic they meet because any one with any sense of what good music is will not say Mute Critic are bad. This talented lot have got the sound to take them all the way and further. So listen and enjoy!
BTB Favourite Song: As It Was
Right that's todays post done and now I'm going to work on the podcast. Exciting stuff. Remember any suggestions, you can reach me on the MySpace page or
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