The first band are called Face Time Police and they are from Chicago, Illinois. Think of early Linkin Park and then you'll get what these guys sound like. These guys can range from everything to loud electro rock pop as witnessed with their song 'Of Man and Monsters' to rap as heard in their song 'Brittle Bullet' to acoustic melodies as heard in their song 'Dragonfly'. With such great range I can see Face Time Police appealing to all sorts of people who are into all types of genres. You rarely get a band who is willing to experiment with all sorts of genres so to find one of Face Time Police's calibre is a real treat. Give them a listen!
BTB Favourite Song: A Different Road
The next band is called Better Than Bedlam and they are from Louisville, Kentucky. They are a 4 piece indie rock band and have some quality tunes. Nothing exceptionally loud instead this band goes for the sit back and enjoy approach which works very well. Now the world is awash with indie bands so these guys belong to a large group but its the way they don't act loud but instead focus all their energy on the music that sets them further apart from the other indie bands. Give them a listen:
BTB Favourite Song: Day Number Nine
And the final band for today is called Armen Firmen who are from Melbourne Australia. They class themselves as an indie rock pop band and I am inclined to agree. Their tunes are easy to listen to and are as equally enjoyable to sing along with and dance to. As I write this their music is uplifting me so if it can have that affect on me who knows what it would do for you... Armen Firman have already had one of their songs 'Porch Dweller' as single of the week on iTunes so with this in mind maybe we've just found the next Australian band to put on a pedestal
BTB Favourite song: My Black Eyes (and this is just the demo!)
Unfortunately I don't have a download of the day today. Maybe tomorrow. Anyway I'm off for a nap. Enjoy the music!
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