Right to start Jesster once again graces us with a new review. The undercover reviewer who no one knows about, unless you do actually know the person behind Jesster...but we'll pretend you don't.
Another Manchester band for you :)And the final band to bring musical joy to my ears are called The Mouth, from somewhere
The Interruptions (http://www.theinterruptions.co.uk/) hail from Manchester and Blackpool,
and have been around since 2004.This band caught my attention because, as an indie band,
they’re not something I would usually listen to.However, as the intro to “Paul” played,
it made me want to give them a chance.
With influences including Joy Division
and the Stone Roses,they manage to catch the sound of these bands,
and spice it up with a little of their own flavour.
I’m sure these guys are going to have plenty of success.
Best song: Liquid
Now the first band I, Aran, bring you are called The Cuts from Paisley, Scotland,
an exciting indie punk band,with enough talent to take over the
UK with their tunes.They have a great variation singing about different
subjects and taking you through a journey which at times is slow but at others
speeds up which hurtles you forward through musical brilliance.
Keep an eye on this lot because I sense big things.
Aran's Favourite Song: We're Alright
in the UK, the exact location which alludes me. However what does not allude me is the fact that The Mouth are a great band. Granted I've only heard on of their songs, entitled Bow And Arrows. I look forward to hearing more from these guys and I don't think we're in for a long wait.
Aran's Favourite Song: Bow and Arrows obviously....
Right that's it for this day. We'll bring you more in a bit.
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