Sunday, 12 October 2008

The Welcoming Return of BTB! *insert maniacal laughter here*

That's right everybody! I'm finally back to doing what I do best and that's finding the music that you want to hear. It's been ages since I wrote anything worthwhile here and recommended new bands for your listening pleasure and for that I apologise. However though the blog is making its welcome return, the podcast will still be on the sidelines until all things with that are sorted and I build up a back catalogue of tracks from bands. Enough of this faffing around! Let us begin the journey once more!

First we're hitting Portland, Maine, USA to find a band named The Murder Weapon. Formed in 2004, these guys have come a long way and are making tracks that sound professional but retain their charm and character. I can honestly say they sound like all the best bits of all your favourite big time rock bands, thrown into a bowl and mixed together then unleashed on a tour of quality. The voice and guitar playing of Jon Nothing, bass playing D Murder and the drumming of Cory Marz brought together creates one of the most exciting underground bands of our time. Let yourself become a victim of The Murder Weapon now.

Favourite Track: He's Gone

The next band to feature on this return post come from my favourite city in the world, London! Recommended to me by a friend, Jack Gant, this band are The Tenets. These guys take the classic ideals of punk rock and bring those ideals into the modern era. This four piece have more influences than any other band I've reviewed to date, everything from other bands and musicians, to authors, to films. With so many influences I'm certain that The Tenets will be making music for a long time and that can only be a good thing.

Favourite Track: Bridges and Balconies.

Well due to time constraints that's all I can bring you today. I'm going to make this a regular thing once more so I should be posting again tomorrow. Hooray for that! Remember I want you to recommend bands to me and support BTB. Do it. You'll love it.


Thursday, 2 October 2008

Technical difficulties!

So I haven't added any new music or podcast or updated this. This is because I lack internet in my new home still and the computer lab computers have no speakers. Annoying I know. Once BT stop being silly we'll get some music going again!